Your story is medicine

Those pivotal moments in your life, often ones that were extremely impactful, be it painful or blissful, carry medicine in them.
These anchor points shaped you, moved you, re-arranged and often strengthened you.
They made you who you are.
I believe you’ve been given these unique turning points in your life to transmute in this life time. Yes, you are hearing the word ‘given.

No matter how difficult certain situations may have been, if we see them as gifts and step out of victimhood (read; life is happening To me as opposed to For me) in to self-empowerment, we win. The moment you decide to see life as happening For you, is the moment everything changes.

You own what has happened to you, how it moved you, how it made you feel and where your boundaries and needs may have not been honoured. You claim your story.

In these areas in your life, you hold heightened energy. Why? Because you’ve gone deep into these topics and thus, you hold wisdom. And this is where your medicine lies. This is where your purpose lies; to alchemize your pain into being of service, into speaking up, into sharing your story.

Once we’re getting an idea of our transformational story, the time may come to share it. Our pain has turned into medicine. Why then, may we feel fearful of sharing our story and our voice?
This may be due to fear of judgement from loved ones of the world.
From not fitting in and being secluded.
From being afraid to claim space as a woman.
From being big, a boss lady, a Goddess, a Wild Woman, a Priestess.

It takes bravery to share our voice. To share our heartfelt stories. But THIS is the medicine. Our emotions are the medicine. Our heart-felt sharing is what will wake the world up from its patriarchal grip, its addiction to ratio and control, its fear of the depth and strength of the dark feminine emotions.

The time is now. The time of the feminine is now. And you’ve chosen this time. Claim your story. Alchemize it into medicine. Speak your voice. Be the brave one. Watch your magic unravel.


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The girl who couldn’t find her voice