Uncover your innermost yearning, then build your life around it

Honor your deepest soul-hunger, then become the living attraction for just that
Weed out the luke-warm satisfactions and mellowed down dreams that keep you from your burning desires
The life our heart yearns for does not arrive by playing it safe. We need to be willing to risk boldly to live greatly

One of my ex-partners had an amazing capability to get exactly what he wanted. His dreams were BIG, his ambition broad and his self-confidence wide. When we met, he said: ‘You don’t know it yet, but you’re my girl’ and he waited two years till I was his. He said ‘no’ countless times to projects he felt weren’t in resonance - even when he was short of money. He leaned into the risk, aimed high, giving all of himself, without holding back, without entertaining any other options. As you may guess, he turned out extremely successful.

This always amazed me in him. And I still take learnings and lessons from this power he possessed.
This little story aims to guide you into the question:

Why do we often not attract or live the life we truly desire?
We don’t get clear enough on what we actually want.
We don’t uncover and honor what we yearn for from the deepest essence of our soul.
We don’t question the limiting beliefs that try to shy us away from shining our full light.
We don’t keep the vision when the Universe comes to test us, saying: ‘How badly do you want it, my love?’

If you want a family - be a mother
If you yearn for a ravishing lover - learn to become one (and learn to ravish yourself!)
If you want a King - be a Queen
If you long to be chosen - choose yourself
If you long for a devotional partnership - do not settle
If you want to live under the sun - visualise the orange earth under your feet, your morning coffee on the porch, the big dog on your lap
If you yearn for a kinder world - radiate love
If you want that dream job - embody that dream

As human beings, our imagination is everything. Without it we are truly, quite dead.
Our imagination creates worlds, births life, connects us to the energetic realm.

Become that which you desire - and do not settle. Hold the pose. It is already so. It has already happened. The question is if you can hold the vision and keep your energy clean when life throws distractions your way.


Do you dare to be radically receptive?


Your partner can’t rise above the story you hold true about them