Trusting the ripples of your feminine oracle

The first step of trusting our heart, truth, feminine oracle, is to let that intuitive nudge rise up from our belly, through our heart, then through our throat, into the world. No longer halt her expression and let it be diminished into something rational & comprehensive by circling it around and around in our head, often to never even be expressed in the outer world at all.

And if expressed, often done through the mind, losing all embodiment and juice in our opening. Or, it simmers for so long, like a volcano and its lava, till she bursts and the receiver is blown away by our explosion, instead of magnetised towards us. Resulting into distance as opposed to the desired connection.

When we begin to attune to and trust the moment to moment truth of our heart – which is the feminine in each of us – we get to live more from our body, from our heart, gut and sexual centres. She is not made to be rational; she is made to feel and reveal. The wide, embodied revealing of our heart is our medicine to the world.

When this feminine aspect is opening, she requires maturing. She requires her inner masculine to hold and ground her feminine emotional expression so she doesn’t dump her emotions on the outer world, taking self-responsibility for her feelings. This way, revealing her needs, ache, sexuality and pleasure comes from a place of longing and inner wholeness, not neediness and lack.

She learns to open without the ‘hook,’ without expecting something instant in return. This is where many lose their inner holding, demanding instant gratification, understanding or soothing in return. We must learn to not only express our heart’s truth, but trust the ripples of our oracular wisdom. The world or our men may respond in a desired manner right way. It may also take a day. Or a week. Or a couple of months!

As feminine oracles, we must trust the ripples of our truth. To not shrivel and close when we are not instantly met. When expressed from a place of love and surrender, not manipulation or agenda, energetically, it comes back to us. We must learn to let go of control of how and when that will be.

Your heart is your gateway to the divine. Our culture is starved of heart-centred, soul-led women, devoted to love’s expression, awakening, shaking the world up from its spiritual sleep, mind-addiction and numb-heartedness through their voice and raw boundless heart, trusting the ripples they are making are healing, seeping into every nook and cranny where the light is called, igniting one human to another, not by the mind, but through the ripples of the heart.


Intimacy first, polarity second


If all the romantically tinted connections in your life fall away, what will you miss the most?