The lust for comfort murders the passions of the soul

As I look at our wealthy Western world, I find myself wondering; what does it take to move us into action? Into revolution? Has comfort become King and change the enemy? Are we so scared for push-back, we’ve estranged ourselves from standing for Love, for Unity, for Freedom?

Many people aren’t balanced
They aren’t even truly comfortable
They’re still

They tell themselves they’ve made it
They tell themselves they like their comfort

(I tried that too
Telling myself I’d shown up enough
Telling myself I was satisfied enough
And I can tell you, it never worked)

Yet, there is a revolution going on inside..
A feeling that creeps on in when they’re in solitude
Away from their lover, Netflix, the tub of chocolate ice cream or red wine

It is the story of their soul
The flame of their heart
Burning, flickering, beckoning them

‘Feel my heat! Unleash my truth! Let me burn you! Let it catapult you into chaos! Anything but this! May the walls of your ‘safety’ crumble! By God, let your identity fall away! Let me live, not merely exist!

Let the Great Void devour you. Let the womb of Life eat you, have you, swallow you whole. Truly, truly surrender. And behold what emerges! It is the vast land of limitless possibility! It is the true yearnings of your soul! It is the deepest peace, for you have come home! It is the revolution of the heart! It is the place where the mind makes no sense, yet everything falls into place..!’

This is the true warrior that rises
That stands in his sovereign voice
That breaks the prison of comfort by the remembrance of his mission
That uses his sword only in alignment with the heart

And it is risky
And it is bold
And it takes softening
And it requires sacrifice
And you may at times feel alone
But know, truly know
Many are with you
Like little lights shimmering around the globe
Thousands and thousands of lights
Daring greatly
Rising, shining

For only a life lived in alignment and devotion to your highest truth, is one we can be truly happy, for this is the only place we are truly ourselves, truly living our purpose, truly living in love.

As Rumi said it best: ‘The lust for comfort murders the passions of the soul.’


The girl who couldn’t find her voice


Man can fix many things, but not a woman