Romantic love is not the highest love

Most people believe romantic love is the highest love
It is not
Believing romantic love is the highest love causes illusion, disempowerment & pain

Through our upbringing – in our families & cultures – we are taught romantic love is the highest love we can experience. We are encouraged to get married & find ‘the one.’ We see it in Hollywood movies, we witness it with our parents. Whether they stay together or not - focussing on that perfect love is all around us.

We find our life-partner & expect them to complete those last missing pieces in our being
Or we bicker back & forth, taking every little thing personally because we fear we may ‘lose love’
We externalize our wholeness & project it onto another
We idealise the dream of someone else to make it all right

The highest love it not external
The highest love is you
Fully, wholly, holy

The highest love is Who We Are in our truest form
Call it Source
Call it Light
Call it God

In one of my first ceremonies, I felt surrender for the first time. I had never surrendered to anything in my life. Not my parents, not a man, nothing. I felt a deep power, peace & trust when I surrendered to the Force of Love. The Greater Love. & I thought; ‘This is what I want to surrender to. & I will only surrender to a man, who is surrendered to This, first & foremost.’

The disconnection with this divine essence is what causes suffering
The externalisation of wholeness pressurizes our relationships into something it can not be

Yes, a masculine pole can take the feminine pole deeper
Yes, the feminine pole can take the masculine pole wider

Together, they deepen into the Feminine Heart of Love & the Masculine Presence of Consciousness, & thus, guide one another as a path to the realization of the divine.
This divine union that is all, you.

Yet, allowing ourselves to long, to yearn, ache even! for sacred union carries a profoundly different intention as needing the other for completion.

So, what is the ‘third’ in your relationship you are both devoted to?
How can we transmute our relationship from two dots, to three - from the horizontal into the triangular energy?
How can we both surrender to a Higher Love?
Hold one another accountable to that Higher Love?
& do you both have the same understanding of that Higher Love?

Do you feel the radical responsibility, the delicious freedom that’s liberated when we see through the illusionary programming of an external love & return to our True Home, our True Love, our True Wholeness, our True Divine Marriage, within?

This is the core of anyone’s deepest sacred feminine expression - in both men & women; to Live As Love, from moment to moment to moment.


Immature vs Mature Sacred Feminine Expression


The Art of Longing