Immature vs Mature Sacred Feminine Expression

Immature feminine expression

When we begin to return to our feminine essence, to soften our body, to open our heart & shed all the layers of taught identity & conditioning that aren’t really us, our emotions begin to flow again, old aches un-numb & we become more expressive. & this is wonderful! Yet, that is only the first stage - & immature version of feminine expression.

Venting your rage is a great first step– but if we ‘emotionally dump’ & it’s not offered in a way that the ‘receiver’ is able to hold your expression in his/her nervous system, can be harmful.
Reclaiming your sexual expression is beautiful, but if it’s not held by your inner masculine’s boundaries & discernment or is used to seduce, can be wounding & manipulative.
Communicating your needs is a wonderful tool for healthy relating, but when our needs are attached to demands & expectations, is our inner hurt child speaking - & is toxic at best.

Allowing ourselves to feel all the pain (& pleasure!) we’ve closed ourselves from feeling is necessary, yet when it is not integrated as our greatest teachings, keeps us in a victimised state.
Standing up against the patriarchy & wounded masculine energy is needed, yet when it is not alchemized into something you’re fighting For, only feeds & thus perpetuates the old paradigm.
Embracing being ‘too much’ in a world that has dismissed the Dark Feminine for so long by embracing ‘triggering’ others when you step into your Boss Bitch, Wild Woman or Goddess archetypes is fabulous, yet when not balanced out by the gentle, empathetic, humble qualities of the Soft Feminine, can be destructive & inconsiderate.


Mature Feminine Expression

The Mature Feminine offers her heart’s truth to her loved ones as a gift that creates opening & connection, rather than closure & separation, by the power of vulnerability & taking full responsibility for her emotional world.
She learns to turn her aches into art by alchemizing her painful stories as healing balm for other women’s awakening.
She opens her creative expression as a conduit for the blossoming of her soul – & works on keeping that channel open by devotion, by practice, by taking the risk of being Seen.
She embodies the darker feminine archetypes as delicious openings through her sensual body as a conduit of the Goddess here on earth & fills her own pleasure cup – before sharing it with another.
She opens her deepest longings as medicine to wake the world up from its control-addiction & mind-focus by trusting & revealing her longings, all the way to the end.
And the Mature Woman knows how to hold herself in her expanding Feminine, through her Divine Masculine within by cultivating her own safety, confidence, boundaries, structure, encouragement & consciousness.

The Immature Feminine is all about ME
She expresses considering her own truth
(First stage expression)

The Mature Feminine is about US or THE DIVINE
She expresses considering hers & the other person’s truth or whatever liberates love in that moment.
(Second of third stage expression)

The Mature Feminine does not dismiss the first stage expression.
She learns how to feel into the situation & offers the expression that serves the moment best.
She realises Immature Feminine Expression as the opening, the stepping stone, the beginning of her liberated expression on her Sacred Feminine path - & keeps maturing her feminine expression with courage & humility & always, always, In Service to Love.

Cultivating your Inner masculine as a being with a Feminine core

Just as the masculine pole will not let himself be held by the feminine if she’s not able to hold herself as well, the feminine pole will not let herself be guided by the masculine of he’s not able to guide himself too.

The masculine pole holds the greater part of presence, awareness, space, time, direction, vision & leadership. Yet, if he does not know the depth of longing in his own heart, if he hasn’t held his inner child with deep compassion & reverence, if he hasn’t learned to ‘mother’ his own emotional world, why would she surrender her heart to him? How will she trust him to hold her heart - an even wilder heart - if he can not hold his own? It is energetically not possible.

The feminine pole holds the greater part of love, emotion, change, empathy, sexuality, fierceness, surrender & the mystery. Yet, if she is nor clear about her own vision & direction, if she is drowning in her emotions & is disconnected from being awareness, from a greater consciousness, if he can not be her own safe space, why would he let himself be guided by her? How will he trust her leadership if she can not guide herself?


Princess or Queen?


Romantic love is not the highest love