Princess or Queen?

I love working with archetypes. I’ve seen the power they awaken in people again & again. I say awaken, because these archetypes (arche = first, type = model) reside in every one of us. Some lie dormant, some are active, empowering our being.

The Queen archetype has been an great guide for me – & all of the women I work with. Especially when we feel into how she feels in comparison to The Princess. It gives off just another fragrance, a more delicate depth, than the Nice Girl vs Woman archetype.

The princess is brave, loyal, beautiful
Shy, playful, sweet
She can also be entitled, seductive, privileged
Naive, immature, victimised

The queen is confident, discerning, gracious
Powerful, grounded, strong
She is leading, sensual, sovereign
Expressive, creative, oracular

Take a breath.. close your eyes:

How does The Queen sit, breathe, emanate?
Now the princess? Feel the difference?

For an even more whole perspective, we bring in the aspect of the King. For when one thinks of a Queen, there is a King.
She stands next to her beloved in full devotion
Different, yet equal
She guides him with a full heart
Inter, not co-dependent

The Queen has an integrated masculine. She’s confident & discerning, yet she does not sit on the King’s throne. She knows if she wants a King, she has to make place to let him Be one.

The embodied mature King says: ‘I will protect you, hold you, but you have to allow me, make space.’ If we question where all the strong men are at, we may just be in their place.

The Queen knows her position is not less than the King’s. She decides what to let into her empire. She sets the tone, after which the King comes in & directs her intuitive guidance, whispered in his ear. The King is not afraid to ask the Queen for her wisdom. He honors it as his great treasure.


The Queen does not hold back the truth of her heart. She responds, not reacts, to what happens in her Queendom & reveals this embodied. May it be ferocious fire, may it be gentle surrender – she leads from love & devotion, not the triggered princess. She trusts her heart as love’s expression – & lets this feminine pulse lead their empire, first and foremost.

Where are you inviting in more of your Queen?

-        In which areas of your life are you ready to release the Princess energy?

-        Where would you like to invite in more of your Queen? How would that feel in your body?

-        Where can you be more discerning? What would you like to dis-invite into your queendom?

-        Where do you not trust the external masculine?

-        How does the element of surrender resonate with you? Do you desire more of it?

-        What are examples of Queen women that inspire you?


Your partner can’t rise above the story you hold true about them


Immature vs Mature Sacred Feminine Expression