Activating the Inner King

The union of King & Queen is merged firstly within our own being.
From this inner union, we magnetise the outer with a similar integration of this masculine & feminine pole.
This does not mean we’re perfect! It means we’ve come to a reasonable state of inner safety & expression.

The core reason to be in relationship should be because we can take one another deeper than we can take ourselves. That our partner can touch our innermost yearning to be taken closer to unification with the divine. For this, we must work with & expand the heart of our inner Queen & sharpen the blade of our inner King, so we can immerse into Union from longing, not neediness.

As I walk the path of the awakening of the Feminine Spirit, this confirms I am in service to the Divine Masculine too.

How does the feminine rise without the masculine? How does our inner Queen descend onto her throne without her inner King to provide protection & aligned action? It is energetically impossible.

As deeply as my awe goes to the boundless expression of love the feminine encapsulates, as profound is my respect, adoration & worship to the gifts the masculine holds.

How does an integrated King in the feminine come out?

She can reveal the truth of her heart without projection, demand or manipulation

She’s no longer a victim but a vessel of self-responsibility & alchemy

She’s let go of meticulous control & is connected to her womb & the mystery

She allows herself to play, make mistakes & be imperfect whilst still feeling enough

She has forged her relationship with the divine and prioritizes this union, first and foremost

She honors her deepest longings to guide her, whilst holding these yearnings void of any neediness

She surrenders her body & heart only after inner discernment has taken place

She softens and opens her body to let all the armouring and distrust be transmuted

She’s activated her inner encouraging voice that says: ‘I got you. Go. Shine.’

She’s befriended structure as her ally to create safe spaces for her feminine to flow

She lets Kings be Kings by getting of their thrones – perceives his warrior strength not as a threat, but receives his sword as her great gift

Where are you sharpening the blade of your Inner King?


If all the romantically tinted connections in your life fall away, what will you miss the most?


Do you dare to be radically receptive?