We must question what is Love

We must question what is Love

Love will break your heart open
Wider, deeper, fuller
Uncover all your attachments
Shine her force of truth
on wherever you hold closing
For where there is no freedom
Where there is no trust
There is no love

We must question what is Source

Source ignites the deepest remembrance
A homecoming to Who you are
Beyond all the veils, to the light
For whoever thought they knew what God was
Whoever claimed they captured ‘him’ in a book or singular truth
knew God not

We must question what is it Soul

Soul is the forever that ‘we’ are not
We discover a layer of our soul
Then there is another, and another
Parallel lives and universes simultaneously unfolding
For when the ego thinks it knows who we are
Behind all the layers and the masks
Behind the facade of identity
soul reveals herself

We must question what is Compassion

Compassion softens all judgement
Recognizes one another’s sacred path
She aligns us with the reality of oneness
For whoever keeps himself imprisoned
in the jail of non-forgiveness
will suffer the illusion of separation
and know compassion not

We must question what is Energy

Energy is the frequency that exists in all
It aligns with your field
or it does not
You choose to sync your intention with that wave
or you do not
For whoever was taught he was a Do-er
That he must work hard to realize things in the external world
will miss the magic of being a Creator,
an Attractor, of Life

We must question what is Sacred

The Sacred can be found in the mundane
Of heart, of nature, of ritual, of Life
Yet her place is in the mystical
a devotion to the void
For whoever puts the sacred outside of himself
Whoever uses her not with authenticity but agenda
deprives the sacred of its quality
and knows the sacred not

Some questions are to be felt
not found
Some questions require
the humility of never fully knowing


The Time of the Nice Girl is done


This is for the women