The Time of the Nice Girl is done

The Maiden archetype in her power is our innocent, playful, wondrous, fun nature. What fantastic qualities!
Yet, there’s another, disempowered, side to the Maiden; the ‘nice girl’ archetype.

This is the part of us that pleases and harmonizes, instead of sets boundaries.
The part of us who smiles sweetly when she actually disagrees.
She’s the part of us that over-gives because she feels like she’s not enough.
Who wants to be ‘appropriate’ and ‘do things right’, instead of expressing her true self.
Who says ‘sorry’, ‘I’m fine’, and ‘whatever you want.’
She’s the one who asks for permission, instead of claims her space.

The ‘nice girl’ doesn’t trigger. She makes herself small. She adjusts to the world around her till parts of her aren’t present any more. The nice girl is a product of the patriarchy, of a disempowered feminine. Of women who still somewhere, deep down, believe that they need the masculine to be safe, to succeed. That they need to be sweet and likable to be loved. The nice girl has to go. The nice girl is pulling women out of their power. The nice girl is done.

We get to be kind, we get to be caring, we get to be loving. Yet, in order to step into our Mother, Priestess, Goddess, Lover, Wise Woman and Wild Woman archetypes, the nice girl has to go. To truly enjoy and protect the playful, wondrous nature of the Maiden archetype, the nice girl has to go.


And it will be uncomfortable. Because you’ll speak your truth in a room where all other opinions are different. And you’ll set that boundary that your parents don’t like. And you’ll say no to having sex in any way that doesn’t please you. And you won’t laugh to a misplaced joke. And you won’t do it ‘right’ but you’ll do it your way. And you’ll stop giggling or tilting your head when getting your point across, but use your voice clearly, confidently – embracing the risk of being called ‘bitchy’ or ‘bossy.’ For a woman in her power will trigger. And that’s a compliment.

This is the nice girl to womanhood initiation.
To turn nice into kind and thus pleasing into power.
To move from the living like the ‘good girl’ into a woman who steps into her destiny


Remember you are the force love,anchor in your light


We must question what is Love