The Rise & Remembrance of Ancient Teachings

There’s a reason many ancient teachings are bubbling up to the surface.

It is time. To remember wisdom & levels of awareness we’ve yet to tap into in this time of human progression. Like divine breadcrumbs, we feel a pull. We’re called.

Bit by bit, the current reality bends, crumbles, adjusts to a more whole & holy worldview & spiritual evolution.
These teachings run far deeper than our common history books. They’re much older. Forgotten. Hidden.

Yet, not all the way.
They’re imprinted not only into ancient sites but our common field of consciousness - & into our unique soul.

For some, this will sound too far out. For others, this will resonate as a pulse of truth not understood by the mind, but as a felt sense rippling through the body.

Yes, there’re those attracted to ancient goddesses & divine feminine teachings & it may not be coming from a place of truth but ego. & that’s ok! All is perfect. Sometimes we have to play till it clicks & we find Our Authentic Way.

But there are also those who serve from the deepest essence of their being. Who are here to protect & hold these lineages.

It is no joke to call upon - for instance - Sekhmet. These beings live in the multi-dimensional hold great power. It is no joke to claim you’re here to serve the feminine flame. She will test you for the rest of this lifetime. ‘OK, you’re here to serve? Let’s see about that!’ & another layer of purification of Heart & Path follows.

It is a path that asks devotion & being grounded into the earthly life whilst connected to the heavenly, finding ease in manoeuvring between doing dishes, being silly & preparing ceremony space!

I don’t often write about the Rose Lineage, the Tantric Circles I hold or my Sirian Language. Some poems are not shared on this platform. These teachings are meant to be received in the flesh.

Do we need these beings or lineages to find our way? No. We find our own way, to light, to love, to source. But they can be incredible guides! I bow in gratitude & wonder in a way words will never describe to the Rose & Egyptian Lineage & all they’ve brought me.

Follow the divine breadcrumbs of where you feel called, allow them to empower you in finding your own way.


Intimacy first, polarity second