Masculine friends without the ‘hook’

Some time ago, I sat in ceremony and I had a rough ride.
It’s been about 2 years, but the story stayed with me.
At the end of the journey, the right side of my body was so sore and tense, I was curled up and could hardly move.

The male shaman (a spaceholder who’s a friend as well) sat next to me and slowly helped me uncurl my body.
He then started massaging me. Slowly and kindly.
All I could do was cry. Big tears rolling down my cheeks.

Then another man came, another brother and he gave me a hug and held me.
Then another gave me some love by cleansing me with Palo Santo.
Another came to tell me how brave I’d been.
Another sat in front of me, looked in my eyes and said he was so happy to have me as a sister, that he was there for me.

Why was I so touched by all of their care, all of their masculine hearts?

It was more than the nourishment. It was the first time in my life I felt a group of men holding me and not wanting anything from me, nor did I feel I had to give anything in return.

These sexual energies between the two poles are always present yet often have a codependent pull.
There is a hint of not being able to fully receive because there is a ‘hook.’

I’m not saying there can’t be attraction, yet what would happen if we treated each other as brothers and sisters first and foremost?

Since then I’ve told myself a new story: ‘I’m worthy of having masculine relationships without any ‘hook.’ I do not need to give anything in return. I am enough as I am.’

And guess what? That’s how it’s played out.

What’s the story You’re telling yourself?

Where are you ‘hooking’ the opposite sex in by seduction or lingering false promises?

Do you feel deserving of being seen and receiving love?


Why I claim the word ‘priestess’


Where does Surrender to the Masculine become co-dependent?